Enroll for Seasonal Cosmology

You're ready to take the first step on a life changing journey! Simply click the button below and it will take you to the payment gateway. There is an option below to the right to add the "Apprentice Package" which allows you to take your studies to the deepest level.

(Limited: 13 spots available/ only 2 Spots left!)

Click Here for Apprentice Details

Thank you for making the decision to join The School of Living Astrology. I am thrilled to embark on this journey with you! Your commitment to taking this significant step shows that you are dedicated to delving deeply into your exploration of Astrology.

As a way of enhancing your experience, I would like to offer you an optional add-on to the program. Each year, I open up 13 slots for the "Apprentice Package," which entails three consultations that span over the course of the program.

The following are the benefits of this package:

  • You will have the opportunity to delve deeply into your studies and apply what you learn directly to your own birth chart.
  • You will receive approximately 10 hours of one-on-one time.
  • You will essentially receive year-long consultation/astrological coaching.
  • Our time spent together will enable us to develop a deeper understanding of one another, and I will be able to tailor the teachings to your learning style.

The Apprentice Package is an additional $1100

Seasonal Cosmology Monthly

Pay In Full $699

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Add the "Apprentice Package"

with package $1799 (total)

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